Thursday, November 23, 2017

The person I want to become.

I want to be that person who just radiates nice engery. I want to be that person who you've never spoken to before but you think of me as a friend already. I want to be person you feel you can come to for advice whenever, or someone who makes you feel better by just talking to you. I'm gonna try really hard to be that person. 

Sunday, August 27, 2017


We see only that which we are.

We can only see things within others that we see within ourselves.

We can only love and accept others to the degree that we love and accept ourselves.  

We see in others what we like and don't like in ourselves.
If we embrace these parts of ourselves we will be able to see others as they are, not as we see them through our cloud of projection. 

You are my mirror and I am yours.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

This is love

In the stillness of your presence, you can feel your own formless and timeless reality as the unmanifested life that animates your physical form. You can then feel the same life deep within every other human and every other creature. You look beyond the veil of form and separation. This is the realization of oneness. This is love.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


"Peace is not to be achieved by patchwork reform, nor by a mere rearrangement of old ideas and superstitions.
There can be peace only when we understand what lies beyond the superficial, and thereby stop this wave of distruction which has been unleashed by our own aggressiveness and fears; and only then will there be hope for our children and salvation for the world." J. Krishnamurti

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

You Are Here.

We are just a small speck in the universe. Our egos limit our perspective and limit our world. Ego Fools us into thinking the boss yelling at us is such a big deal. Or the planning of the wedding has to perfect. Etc. 
I urge you...the next time you get caught up in your small world...take a step back

Then take another step back.

And look at your thoughts. Yes look at an observer of your own life.

Then remember we are on a small rock flying uncontrollably through a galaxy inside another galaxy in an ever expanded space.  

Our problems are microscopic in the bigger picture. 

Make the most of your life. Be kind. Live fully. And dont let your ego trick you into focusing on all the wrong things. 

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Thursday, June 1, 2017


I've met people trapped in crowds,
Who think that "space" means you are alone
Who find their silence is too deafening
To spend much time on their own. 
They ask how i can hear the whispers
If i stand back from the crowd.
But surely whispers are drowned out
When where you're standing is so loud?
If all you see of those around you,
Is the back of someone's head. 
Dont you think the bigger picture
Would mean so much instead?
Just like you can't find constellations
By looking at just one star,
Somethings the world does not make sense
Until you watch from afar. 
Space does not mean your empty
It just means you've room to grow
It doesnt mean you must be lonely
For there is more people you can know
Because the space between two beats
Just shows you have a working heart
And its the only way to tell if youre apart or a part. 

-Erin Hanson

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


A Beautiful Poem by Erin Hanson
“You were born to be a rainstorm,
To send your voice throughout the night,
To sing your song with falling raindrops,
To break the darkness with your light,
You were born to show raw beauty,
To wash the dirt out from their eyes,
But the whole world ran for cover,
When you opened up your skies,
So you made your thunder silent,
And learnt to bite your rainy tongue,
You gave them what they thought they wanted,
You gave them life with endless sun,
But as they watched their lives grow weaker,
Watched as their leaves turned brown and dry,
They wished they didn’t take for granted,
Your booming presence in the sky,
You were born to be a rainstorm,
To be chaotic and be bold,
To show there’s beauty in the knowledge,
That you cannot be controlled,
Because you might think you’re not needed,
Life without you is the same,
But nothing beautiful would ever grow,
If it wasn’t washed with rain.” ~Erin Hanson

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Ripple Effect

Lately i have noticed my friends have been asking themselves what can they do to make a difference. 

What can they do to be the change.

After all isn't that what we all want? To make our Mark. "Be the change". Etc 

I see my friends struggle to find meaning and unsuccessfully seek for ways they can make their mark. 

Well let me tell you a secret, being the change is simple. 

You have to see the Bigger picture and put things into perspective. Yes, it is true that we might not be able to stop a genocide or human trafficking but we can change ourselves. 

By empowering ourselves on an individual level to be hopeful and find our own peace, we CAN make a difference. We have a tremendous ability to influence this transition just in how we manage our own emotional state.

By being postive and hopeful you will not only postively influence your life, but also all the lives around you. And like the ripple effect your good energy will circulate and  influence the world. 

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Happy & Free

May all beings everywhere be happy and free and may the thoughts, actions, and words of my own life contribute to that freedom and that happiness of all.

We Will Be the Hopeful

How to be more Hopeful...inspiring words by Maria. 
"The easiest way to control others is to destroy people’s hope. Hope is so important that totalitarian regimes will go to great lengths to control or destroy it. Divide and conquer is an old social control mechanism. It creates fear instead of hope. So when we level the playing field, or bring down barriers, we are inevitably increasing hopefulness by reducing obstacles to it.
The human race is like one giant disco ball. 
Each one of us is a small mirror of talents, love and joy that we have to offer each other to create our world. So hope is energy – your positive energy, your talents, value and your soul. It is the lifeblood of the human race.
The easiest way to support a hopeful world  is to support hope in others and ask that others do the same for you. If you surround yourself with people invested in creating a hopeful world with you, then you are fortunate. However, not everyone will necessarily have a hopeful outlook. You can still support hope in someone else’s life whether they are able to value it or not. Helping to restore hope when it has been lost is a noble thing to do.
Look for ways to make hopefulness tangible. Don’t let it be just something for the future. Hope is all of the little things we do each day to make our lives. Everything you do contributes to hopeful living or takes away from it.
That may seem heavy.  But hope is that important. It needs to be treasured."
-Maria Hill