Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Ripple Effect

Lately i have noticed my friends have been asking themselves what can they do to make a difference. 

What can they do to be the change.

After all isn't that what we all want? To make our Mark. "Be the change". Etc 

I see my friends struggle to find meaning and unsuccessfully seek for ways they can make their mark. 

Well let me tell you a secret, being the change is simple. 

You have to see the Bigger picture and put things into perspective. Yes, it is true that we might not be able to stop a genocide or human trafficking but we can change ourselves. 

By empowering ourselves on an individual level to be hopeful and find our own peace, we CAN make a difference. We have a tremendous ability to influence this transition just in how we manage our own emotional state.

By being postive and hopeful you will not only postively influence your life, but also all the lives around you. And like the ripple effect your good energy will circulate and  influence the world.