Wednesday, June 7, 2017

You Are Here.

We are just a small speck in the universe. Our egos limit our perspective and limit our world. Ego Fools us into thinking the boss yelling at us is such a big deal. Or the planning of the wedding has to perfect. Etc. 
I urge you...the next time you get caught up in your small world...take a step back

Then take another step back.

And look at your thoughts. Yes look at an observer of your own life.

Then remember we are on a small rock flying uncontrollably through a galaxy inside another galaxy in an ever expanded space.  

Our problems are microscopic in the bigger picture. 

Make the most of your life. Be kind. Live fully. And dont let your ego trick you into focusing on all the wrong things. 

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Thursday, June 1, 2017


I've met people trapped in crowds,
Who think that "space" means you are alone
Who find their silence is too deafening
To spend much time on their own. 
They ask how i can hear the whispers
If i stand back from the crowd.
But surely whispers are drowned out
When where you're standing is so loud?
If all you see of those around you,
Is the back of someone's head. 
Dont you think the bigger picture
Would mean so much instead?
Just like you can't find constellations
By looking at just one star,
Somethings the world does not make sense
Until you watch from afar. 
Space does not mean your empty
It just means you've room to grow
It doesnt mean you must be lonely
For there is more people you can know
Because the space between two beats
Just shows you have a working heart
And its the only way to tell if youre apart or a part. 

-Erin Hanson