Saturday, September 28, 2019

Tell them you love them

If you love someone tell them. 

Seriously please tell them. 

I have gone all my life being afraid of love. 

My biggest fear is being hurt. 
Afraid of my heart being broken. 
I put up these walls to protect myself. 
But in relatity they are shutting off everyone. 

I'm learning that you can not truly love unless you are vunerable. 
You have to be willing to loss it all to really feel deep, real love. 

You have to be willing to look like a fool, lose your ego, and let go to love. 

I let go of my fear of being hurt and am open to give and receive deep love. 

Monday, September 23, 2019


The choice that frees or imprisons us is the choice of love or fear. Love liberates. Fear imprisons.” Gary Zukav

“When the personality comes to fully serve the energy of its soul, that is authentic empowerment.” Gary Zukav

“Your personality, your body, your intuitional structure. These are all tools: energy tools of the soul. Your soul existed before your personality came into being, it will exist after your personality came into being.” Gary Zukav

“Don’t squander your time on the what-ifs of life. They are unlimited and endless.” Gary Zukav

“Lack of self-worth is the fundamental source of all emotional pain. A feeling of insecurity, unworthiness, and lack of value is the core experience of powerlessness.” Gary Zukav

“The essence of a person is not the clothing she wears or the things he does. People who love them do not stop loving them when they change clothing or do other things. Your essence is not even your history, culture, race, or what you think and do. It is your soul.” 

“Your life is yours to live, no matter how you choose to live it. When you do not think about how you intend to live it, it lives you. When you occupy it, step into it consciously, you live it.” 

“Within each experience of pain or negativity is the opportunity to challenge the perception that lies behind it, the fear that lies behind it, and choose to learn with wisdom. The fear will not vanish immediately but it will disintegrate as you work with courage.” 

“When fear ceases to scare you, it cannot stay. When you choose to learn through wisdom, to evolve consciously, your fears surface one at a time in order for you to exorcise them with inner faith. This is how it happens. You exorcise your own demons.” 

“When you have an emotional reaction to what you see, you are judging. That is your signal that you have an issue inside of yourself – with yourself. – not with the other person.” 

“To experience relationships of substance and depth requires approaching and entering into relationships with consciousness and concern for the other.”

“We are becoming able to see the pursuit of external power for what it is and the futility of trying to escape the pain of powerlessness by changing the world. When we look inward, not outward, we can dismantle the parts of our personalities that have controlled us for so long – such as anger, jealousy, vindictiveness, superiority, and inferiority.” 

“Authentic power is the energy that is formed by the intentions of the soul. It is the light shaped by the intentions of love and compassion guided by wisdom.” 

“You cannot find your soul with your mind, you must use your heart.” 

“The loving parts of your personality have no trouble loving. That is all they do. You experience the loving parts of as gratitude, appreciation, caring, patience, contentment and awe of life.” 

“By choosing your thoughts, and by selecting which emotional currents you will release and which you will reinforce, you determine the quality of your light. You determine the effects that you will have upon others and the nature of the experiences of your life.” 

 “All souls have the capacity to be great souls.” 

“Humbleness, forgiveness, clarity, and love are the dynamics of freedom. They are the foundations of authentic power.”

“For every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. You receive from the world what you give to the world.” 

“The one characteristic of authentic power that most people overlook is humbleness. It is important for many reasons. A humble person walks in a friendly world. He or she sees friends everywhere he or she looks, wherever he or she goes, whomever he or she meets. His or her perception goes beyond the shell of appearance and into essence.” 

“Only choices made in love are compassionate. There are no exceptions. Do you have the courage to act with an empowered heart without attachment to the outcome?” 

The journey to wholeness requires that you look honestly, openly, and with courage into yourself, into the dynamics that lie behind what you feel, what you perceive, what you value, and how you act.” 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Authentic Soul

You are not you thoughts
You are not you personality
You are not your human body

You are the stillness beneath the thoughts
You are the Divine power buried underneath your personality
You are the soul which  lives in human form

You are the light,
A magentic frequency
You are higher vibrations

You are the entire universe
You are the Divine
You are connect to everyone and everything. 
You are light.

When you realize this. All life becomes beautiful.

Fear, pain, hate, judgment all fall away 

You are just left with love and acceptance. 

You become lighter, and life is full of abundance. 

Embrace you inner light. 

Shine you light. 

Raise your vibrations, 

Embrace you authentic self. 

Be the light for others.