Monday, October 17, 2016

I am you & you are me.

I am you and you are me. 
The mirror effect. 

I have been surrounded by judgement lately. It has made me ask myself why we judge each other and what we can learn from the way and what we judge. The truth is how one views the world and others is more a refection of oneself. The world is a mirror and your judgements are a refection of you.

I challenge you to explore beliefs and assumptions instead of judging people. When you do this you open a door to expanded self-awareness and self-acceptance.

Rather than unconsciously delighting in the ego gratification of judging others, you let your reactions and judgments help you achieve greater self-understanding—and accordingly, greater happiness and success.

When you use your judgment of others as a mirror to show you the workings of your own mind, every person’s reflection can become a valuable gift, making each person you encounter a teacher and a blessing. 

Let your perspective allow you to grow and teach you more about yourself and who you want to be. 

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